JanuaryRedRoseNo5 - FJ Shacklett Photography

FJ Shacklett Photography

A January Red Rose in full bloom. Photo taken in Southern California in a front yard garden. Camera was an iPhone 11 Pro Max, exposure was ISO 32, f1.8, 1/400sec, at 4mm focal length. Post processed in Lightroom CC to enhance exposure and Photoshop 2024 to add a light leak overlay.
JanuaryRedRoseNo5 - FJ Shacklett Photography
A January Red Rose in full bloom. Photo taken in Southern California in a front yard garden. Camera was an iPhone 11 Pro Max, exposure was ISO 32, f1.8, 1/400sec, at 4mm focal length. Post processed in Lightroom CC to enhance exposure and Photoshop 2024 to add a light leak overlay.